16 research outputs found

    Designing for Risk Assessment Systems for Patient Triage in Primary Health Care:A Literature Review

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    Background: This literature review covers original journal papers published between 2011 and 2015. These papers review the current status of research on the application of human factors and ergonomics in risk assessment systems’ design to cope with the complexity, singularity, and danger in patient triage in primary health care. Objective: This paper presents a systematic literature review that aims to identify, analyze, and interpret the application of available evidence from human factors and ergonomics to the design of tools, devices, and work processes to support risk assessment in the context of health care. Methods: Electronic search was performed on 7 bibliographic databases of health sciences, engineering, and computer sciences disciplines. The quality and suitability of primary studies were evaluated, and selected papers were classified according to 4 classes of outcomes. Results: A total of 1845 papers were retrieved by the initial search, culminating in 16 selected for data extraction after the application of inclusion and exclusion criteria and quality and suitability evaluation. Conclusions: Results point out that the study of the implications of the lack of understanding about real work performance in designing for risk assessment in health care is very specific, little explored, and mostly focused on the development of tool

    Designing for patient risk assessment in primary health care: a case study for ergonomic work analysis

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    In this paper, we study the importance of a consistent description of real work in patient risk assessment in the primary healthcare domain. Through a case study in the context of primary health care, we address the research problem of finding ways to build consistent real work descriptions of the patient risk assessment system in the primary healthcare domain, in order to foster the design of improved work situations and support devices. This is a qualitative field study based on ethnographic observation and semi-structured interviews carried out among professionals involved in the risk assessment process in a primary healthcare facility. The objects of ergonomic work analysis were work places and work situations with focus on human activity, as well as surrounding aspects. The analysis identified elements in the work domain with high cognitive demand and operations that could increase mental workload, providing elements for the earlier stages of the design of work situations and support devices to improve the risk assessment in primary health care. This paper shows the usefulness of real work descriptions in the design for complex situations like the risk assessment in health care, as well the impact of poor descriptions in generating harmful situations for both the patient and healthcare practitioners in the explored domain


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    A educação a distância transpõe barreiras sociais e veicula estratégias de disseminação de aprendizagem por meio digital, como modo de inclusão. A acessibilidade se evidencia, nesse contexto, em iniciativas como o Laboratório de Educação a Distância (LED) do Instituto Benjamim Constant (IBC), que oferece cursos relacionados à deficiência visual. A partir dos resultados de um trabalho anterior, que resultou na elaboração de um framework de análise da colaboração em uma ferramenta wiki usada por deficientes visuais, nesse artigo propomos uma ampliação da análise, dessa vez voltada para a avaliação de ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem cooperativa para deficientes visuais. O trabalho envolve a realização de um estudo de caso exploratório, em que deficientes visuais e videntes participam em um curso a distância oferecido no ambiente Moodle, sobre o tema Web 2.0. O framework proposto nesse trabalho visa indicar caminhos e boas práticas para a adequação de ambientes virtuais ao uso por deficientes visuais, a fim de avaliar requisitos de colaboração, acessibilidade, usabilidade e aprendizagem.Abstract Distance education goes beyond social barriers and conveys strategies to spread learning and build a more inclusive society, through the digital resource. One of the outstanding concerns is accessibility, which is can be spotted at initiatives such as the Laboratory of Distance Education (LED) at the Institute Benjamin Constant (IBC), which offers courses related to the visual impaired public.From the results of a previous work, which resulted in the development of a framework for analysis of collaboration in a wiki tool used by the visually impaired people, this paper proposes an extension of that analysis, this time focused on the evaluation of visually impaired collaborative learning virtual environments. The work involves conducting an exploratory case study, in which blind and sighted participants will take part in a distance education course held in Moodle on the subject of Web 2.0. The framework proposed in this paper aims to suggest a path and suggestions for efficient practice towards the suitability for the use of virtual environments by the visually impaired people, proposing to assess collaboration, accessibility, usability and learning requirements

    A cooperative framework for a society of guardian agents.

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    Neste trabalho apresentamos a concepcao e implementacao de um arcabouco cooperativo para uma sociedade de agentes tutores inteligentes. Esta sociedade esta inserida no contexto de um ambiente interativo de ensino-aprendizagem denominado MATHEMA e nas pesquisas na area de Inteligencia Artificial Distribuida. O desenvolvimento de um tal arcabouco passa pelo estabelecimento de um modelo de organizacao, cooperacao e comunicacao para a sociedade e um modelo para os agentes tutores. Alem disso, este trabalho contribui para o projeto da arquitetura dos agentes tutores. De modo a viabilizar o comportamento cooperativo define-se uma linguagem de interacao e os protocolos que devem ser utilizados. Detalha-se ainda a implementacao de um arcabouco de software que promove o desenvolvimento de agentes tutores no contexto do MATHEMA.This work presents the design and development of a cooperative framework for a society of intelligent tutoring agents. This society is within the scope of an interactive learning environment named MATHEMA and in the research in the field of Distributed Artificial Intelligence. The development of this framework starts with the definition of models for organization, cooperation, and communication for this society, and a model for the tutoring agents. Furthermore, this work contributes to the definition of the architecture of the tutoring agents. In order to promote the cooperative behavior, an interaction language as well as interaction protocols are defined. Also, some implementation issues related to this framework are detailed

    Aplicativos móveis em sala de aula: Uso e possibilidades para o ensino da matemática na EJA

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    The rapid advancement of mobile device technologies with a wide variety of applications has led to changes in contemporary society. In this new scenario, behaviors, forms of communication and interactions became increasingly dynamic. In the educational field, mobile applications used as a didactic resource also have the potential to transform pedagogical processes, especially among digital natives. We asked in our research if the use of educational mobile applications in the classroom can favor the teaching and learning of Probability and Statistics, especially in students of the modality of Youth and Adult Education, High School. Given this question,we developed a research with the objective of evaluating the acquisition of skills and competences in the area of mathematics, using educational mobile applications. A field research was conducted with 46 EJA module IV students from a Rio de Janeiro State Network college. The students were divided into groups, where one group used mobile applications as a didactic resource and the other did not. Data were collected through tests, questionnaire and observations. Given this, it was found that the results presented demonstrate that educational mobile applications can motivate and help students solve mathematical activities, as well as favoring the learning process of students in EJA High School.Oavanço rápido das tecnologias de dispositivos móveis, com uma grande variedade de aplicativos, tem provocado mudanças na sociedade contemporânea. Nesse novo cenário, os comportamentos, as formas de comunicação e as interações estão cada vez mais dinâmicos. No campo educacional, os aplicativos móveis usados como recursosdidáticostambém apresentam potencialidadespara transformar os processos pedagógicos, principalmente entre os nativos digitais. Indaga-se na presente pesquisase o uso de aplicativos móveis educacionais em sala de aula pode favorecero ensino e a aprendizagem de Probabilidade e Estatística, especialmente, em alunos da modalidade educação de jovense adultos (EJA) do ensino médio. Diante desse questionamento, foi desenvolvidauma pesquisa com o objetivo de avaliara aquisição de habilidades e competências na área de matemática,a partir do uso dos aplicativos móveis educacionais. Realizou-se uma pesquisa de campo com 46 alunos do módulo IV da EJA de um colégio da rede estadualde ensinodo Rio de Janeiro. Os alunos foram divididos em grupos e um destesutilizou os aplicativos móveis como recurso didático e o outro,não. Os dados foram coletados por meio de testes, questionário e observações. Dessa forma, verificou-se que os resultados apresentados demonstram que os aplicativos móveis educacionais podem motivar e auxiliar osalunos a resolverem as atividades matemáticas, além de favorecer o processo de aprendizagem dosalunos da EJA.El rápido avance de las tecnologías de dispositivos móviles con una amplia variedad de aplicaciones ha llevado a cambios en la sociedad contemporánea. En este nuevo escenario, los comportamientos, las formas de comunicación y las interacciones se volvieroncada vez más dinámicas. En el campo educativo, las aplicaciones móviles utilizadas como recurso didáctico también tienen el potencial de transformar los procesos pedagógicos, especialmente entre los nativos digitales. Preguntamos en nuestra investigación si el uso de aplicaciones educativas móviles en el aula puede favorecer la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de Probabilidad y Estadística, especialmente en estudiantes de la modalidad de Educación Juvenil y Adulta, Escuela Secundaria. Ante esta pregunta, desarrollamos una investigación con el objetivo de evaluar la adquisición de habilidades y competencias en el área de las matemáticas, a partir del uso de aplicaciones educativas móviles. Se realizó una investigación de campo con 46 estudiantes del módulo IVEJA de una universidad de la Red Estatal de Río de Janeiro. Los estudiantes se dividieron en grupos, donde un grupo usaba aplicaciones móviles como recurso didáctico y el otro no. Los datos fueron recolectados a través de pruebas, cuestionarios y observaciones. Ante esto, se encontró que los resultados presentados demuestran que las aplicaciones móviles educativas pueden motivar y ayudar a los estudiantes a resolver actividades matemáticas, además de favorecer el proceso de aprendizaje de los estudiantes en la escuela secundaria EJA

    A framework to assess potential health system resilience using fuzzy logic

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    Objectives. To develop and test a framework to assess the potential of public health systems to maintain a resilient performance. Methods. Quantitative data from public databases and qualitative data from technical reports of Brazilian health authorities were used to develop the framework which was assessed and modified by experts. Fuzzy logic was used for the mathematical model to determine scores for four resilient abilities – monitoring, anticipation, learning, and response – and an aggregated coefficient of resilient potential in health care. The coefficient measures used data from before the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. These were compared with measures of the actual performance of health systems in 10 cities in Brazil during the pandemic. Results. The coefficient of resilient potential in health care showed that the cities most affected by COVID-19 had lower potential for resilient performance before the pandemic. Some local health systems had adequate response capabilities, but other abilities were not well developed, which adversely affected the management of the spread of COVID-19. Conclusions. The coefficient of resilient potential in health care is useful to indicate important areas for resilient performance and the different types of resilience capacities that can be considered in different contexts and levels of public health systems. Regular assessment of the potential of health systems for resilient performance would help highlight opportunities for continuous improvement in health system functions during chronic stress situations, which could strengthen their ability to keep functioning in the face of sudden disturbances

    Interdisciplinaridade, criatividade e inovação: um caminho potencializado pelas novas tecnologias digitais

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    The current, complex and dynamic society is organized based on sophisticated technologies that simultaneously integrate spaces and times. However, we found the school in a standardized and hardened format, with unmotivated students. Thus, the need arose to develop an interdisciplinary methodology based on art classes, aiming at meaningful learning, where the student used digital technologies together with creativity and collaboration to be prepared to solve everyday challenges. To this end, the present study opted for action research and had students from elementary schools from Rio de Janeiro as participants. The qualitative approach included bibliographic, exploratory preliminary research and the development, application, and evaluation of a didactic sequence focused on interdisciplinarity. Digital technologies facilitated the communication that enabled the project to take place entirely in a virtual way during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Collaborative work, on the other hand, expanded the action of the participants and enabled the development of creativity, which was fundamental in the organization of the process, creating solutions for the integration between disciplines. At the end of the study, it was noticed that the students were more confident and motivated, taking responsibility for their studies and serving as inspiration for each other.A sociedade atual, complexa e dinâmica, está organizada a partir de sofisticadas tecnologias que integram simultaneamente espaços e tempos. Entretanto, encontramos a escola no formato padronizado e endurecido, com alunos pouco motivados. Assim, surgiu a necessidade de desenvolver uma metodologia interdisciplinar a partir das aulas de artes, visando a aprendizagem significativa, onde o aluno utilizasse as tecnologias digitais juntamente com a criatividade e a colaboração, para que estivesse preparado para a resolução dos desafios do cotidiano. Para tal, o presente estudo optou pela pesquisa-ação e teve como participantes alunos do ensino fundamental II, do Rio de Janeiro. A abordagem de natureza qualitativa contou com pesquisa bibliográfica, exploratória preliminar e o desenvolvimento, aplicação e avaliação de uma sequência didática voltada para a interdisciplinaridade. As tecnologias digitais facilitaram a  comunicação que viabilizou o projeto ocorrido integralmente de forma virtual durante a Pandemia do COVID-19. Já o trabalho colaborativo ampliou a ação dos participantes e possibilitou o desenvolvimento da criatividade, que foi fundamental na organização do processo, criando soluções para a integração entre as disciplinas. Ao final do estudo, percebeu-se que os estudantes se mostravam mais confiantes e motivados, assumindo a responsabilidade por seus estudos e servindo de inspiração uns para os outros.  La sociedad actual, compleja y dinámica se organiza a partir de tecnologías sofisticadas que integran simultáneamente espacios y tiempos. Sin embargo, encontramos la escuela estancada y endurecida por el tiempo. En este contexto, con estudiantes poco motivados, surgió la necesidad de desarrollar una metodología interdisciplinar desde las clases de artes, con el objetivo de un aprendizaje significativo, utilizando las tecnologías digitales junto a la creatividad y a la colaboración. Para ello, el presente estudio optó por la investigación-acción, los participantes fueron estudiantes de la enseñanza fundamental II de Río de Janeiro. El enfoque cualitativo contó con la investigación bibliográfica, exploratoria preliminar y el desarrollo, aplicación y evaluación de la secuencia didáctica hacia la interdisciplinaridad. Las tecnologías digitales facilitaron la comunicación y viabilizaron el proyecto, que se desarrolló integralmente de forma virtual mientras la pandemia COVID-19. Ya el trabajo colaborativo, amplió la acción de los participantes y posibilitó el desarrollo de la creatividad, la cual, resultó fundamental en la organización del proceso, creando soluciones para la integración entre las disciplinas. Al final del estudio, se notó que los estudiantes estaban seguros y más motivados, asumiendo la responsabilidad de sus saberes y sirviendo de inspiración entre ellos

    Critical Decision Method To Access Resilience And Brittleness In Heavy Rainfall Forecast

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    Natural disasters such as heavy rainfall may cause major damage and deaths. However if an adequate forecast is provided in enough time, the damage can be minimized. In Latin America and Brazil, where the socio­economic development characteristics lead to a disorderly growth of cities and, consequently, occupations and irregular buildings in risk areas, forecast of heavy rainfall and prevention and mitigation actions based on meteorological data/alerts are essential for save lives and minimize material losses, such as occurred in the mountainous region of Rio de Janeiro in 2011, where over 800 people lost their lives. This work describes the first research initiative on resilience engineering domain in systems to forecast heavy rains in Rio de Janeiro. The results indicate important sources of brittleness in the system that supports the work of meteorologists, mainly related to the technical and organizational framework and shows that the main source of resilience to deal with critical situations is the tacit knowledge of experts